

2022-2027 This project addresses the challenges faced by the residents of many urban areas in Europe to ensure the availability and consumption of healthy, affordable, safe, and sustainably produced food.

Promising initiatives to encourage the consumption of healthy food taken by municipalities often fail to become embedded in the broader policy context and to reach food-insecure and vulnerable groups. FoodCLIC connects people and policies from different sectors for an integrated approach to transform urban food systems and food environments.

Integrated urban FOOD policies – developing sustainability Co-benefits, spatial Linkages, social Inclusion, and sectoral Connections to transform food systems in city-regions

  • [WHO:] Aarhus University, Metropolitan Region of Barcelona, Budapest Fovaros Onkormanyzata, Cardiff University, Cariplo, Comune di Capannori, EMAC Cascais, ESSRG Non-Profit KFT (HU), Ernahrungsrat Berlin, European Food Banks Federation, Faculdade Medicina University of Lisbon, Sida Caixa Research Institute (ES), Humboldt University of Berlin, ICLEI (3 divisions), Instituto Sciencias Sociais (PT), Brasov, Stichting Voedsel Verbindt, University of Pisa, University of Brasov, Aarhus, Stichting Centro Euro-Mediterranei Sui Cambiament Climatici, Association Mondiale des Grandes Metropoles
  • [WHERE:] Aarhus, Budapest, Brasov, Berlin, Lucca, Barcelona, Amsterdam, and Lisbon
  • [DURATION:] 4.5 years, start date 1-9-2022
  • [ROLE OF AMSTERDAM:] Amsterdam is a partner in this project
  • [TOTAL BUDGET:] 11,418,499 euros
  • [HOW MUCH FOR AMSTERDAM:] 108,000 euros
  • [SUBSIDY PROGRAM:] Horizon
  • [CONTACT PERSON:] Frank Bakkum,

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Icon image: FOODCLIC