
Conference Opening: The good, the bad and the ugly

Introduction by Eveline van Leeuwen & Ger Baron

Here you can watch the opening of the scientific conference 'Reinvent the City 2024', by Prof. Eveline van Leeuwen and Ger Baron. Van Leeuwen is Scientific Director of AMS Institute and professor of Urban Economics at Wageningen University & Research. Baron is Director Digital and Innovation, also known as the Chief Technology Officer, of the municipality of Amsterdam.

'Messiness is a good thing', Baron says, 'it allows space for creativity and serendipity.' Van Leeuwen agrees, but raises the question: 'How do we develop methods to use the messiness?'. In the following days scientist, policymakers, students and industry partners shed light on this question from different perspectives. Ofcourse the at the opening of day 1 'The good, the bad and te ugly' the audience was also asked what they considerd to be the good and the bad of cities. Diversity, culture, community, creativity and oppertunities were mentioned most often. And as for bad of cities the audience stated pollution, segregation, traffic, expensiveness and inequality.


Recorded during the Scientific Conference Reinventing the City 2024 in Pakhuis de Zwijger, Amsterdam.

Image credits

Header image: RGER_20170105_Nachtelijk-Amsterdam-lo-res-HD_0024.jpg

Icon image: Baron & van Leeuwen - Opening | AMS Institute Scientific Conference 23/04/2024