Presentation by prof. dr. Joke Meijer (in Dutch)

Below you can listen to the story of Dr. Joke Meijer, professor of Neuropsychology at Leiden University. She conducts research into the day and night rhythm of the world and how biology adapted to it.
With a beautiful and illuminating presentation she takes us into the origins of our biorhythms (3 billion years old) and our dependence on it. And the contrast with the current reality, in which the ecosystem is being destroyed in gardens with cozy LED lights for € 14.50.

All life on Earth has a lifestyle that is precisely adapted to this rhythm, allowing organisms to perform and function optimally. Entire ecosystems depend on this regularity, but the light pollution from our cities, industry and greenhouse horticulture completely disrupt this. The consequences are slowly becoming very harmful to people and nature.

Prof. dr. Joke Meijer | Bijeenkomst - Academische werkplaats Urban Ecology & Biobased Solutions 22-09-2023

Prof. dr. Joke Meijer - Biologische klok en licht

The recording was made on the 22nd of September 2023 during the Academic workshop Urban Ecology and Biobased Solutions, as the Dark Festival kick-off.
All rights reserved CR

Image credits

Icon image: Prof. dr. Joke Meijer | Bijeenkomst - Academische werkplaats Urban Ecology & Biobased Solutions 22-09-2023
