Collection (3)

Trust & Vaccination campaigns

VU Student project in collaboration with Gemeente Amsterdam

Welcome to our online student portfolio, where we delve into the pressing issue of vaccine hesitancy, a growing concern worldwide, particularly exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic. The World Health Organization has identified vaccine hesitancy as one of the top ten threats to global health. This concern is not limited to the global scale; it's increasingly alarming in Amsterdam as well. Recent data from the Rijksinstituut voor Volksgezondheid en Milieu (RIVM) indicates a decline in vaccination rates for children aged 0-18, particularly in Amsterdam Nieuw-West. The low vaccination rates in this region pose significant risks, increasing the likelihood of infectious disease outbreaks among unvaccinated children. To address this issue, we're collaborating with the Municipality of Amsterdam on a project titled 'Designing Trust.' This collaboration aims to understand and mitigate vaccine hesitancy among parents in Amsterdam Nieuw-West. Through in-person interviews with hesitant parents, we seek to uncover the underlying reasons for governmental mistrust and contribute to efforts to improve vaccination rates and public health outcomes in the community.

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Image credits

Header image: Vaccination - Research America

Icon image: Vaccination - Research America

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