Collection (3)

Health & well-being of homeless people in Amsterdam

VU Student project in collaboration with De Regenbooggroep Amsterdam

Welcome to our online portfolio focusing on the issue of homelessness, a complex and pervasive challenge affecting communities worldwide. Recognized by the World Health Organization (WHO) as a significant social determinant of health, homelessness poses physical and mental health risks, particularly in urban areas with rapid population growth and economic disparities. In the Netherlands, the issue has escalated, notably among homeless EU migrants from Eastern European countries like Poland and Romania, who face exploitation, poor working conditions, and limited access to social services.

Our collaboration with The Regenboog Groep, a non-profit organization based in Amsterdam, centers on addressing the rising number of homeless EU citizens in the city, especially from Eastern European countries. With the opening of a new facility providing shelter and 24-hour care, our focus is on evaluating the effectiveness of this intervention. We seek to understand how the support and guidance provided impact the lives of homeless individuals and inform potential improvements or replication of success.

Through our portfolio, we aim to shed light on the effectiveness of The Regenboog Groep's interventions and contribute valuable insights to the broader conversation on addressing homelessness in urban settings.

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Header image: Homelessness - Wallpaper flare

Icon image: Homelessness - Wallpaper flare

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