Scientific Article: Energy Citizenship in New Energy Concepts
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It is a common understanding that the successful development and implementation of Positive Energy Districts requires the support of citizens. Citizen engagement is indeed at the core of the ATELIER project – as the name also implies. The article “Energy CItizenship in New Energy Concepts”, written by representatives from six European projects with similar goals (ATELIER, +CityxChange, ENERGE, MAKING-CITY, mySMARTLife, and POCITYF), present the different citizens engagement approaches in their projects. The article has been published as part of “environmental sciences proceedinigs” on 8 December 2021.
It is assumed by the projects demonstrating Positive Energy District (PED) concepts in cities across Europe that citizens should want and need to be involved in the development of new energy concepts, such as PEDs for these concepts to be deployed successfully. Six different PED research and innovation projects are investigating the types and expectations of citizen engagement. They evaluate the impact of energy citizenship on the success of PED deployment across Europe.
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January 2022
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