MADE Student Project

Living labs represent an approach for developing innovative products in a real-life context by involving public institutions, private actors, and users as active participants in co-creation. Even though living labs are becoming more and more popular, there are still aspects about them which have been understudied. The academic literature lacks in-depth analyses of living lab participants, as well as guidelines for developing and managing such endeavors. Therefore, as a preliminary step of this research, a pilot study was performed for investigating challenges faced by living labs, and to which of the four components of the 4-E Framework these related. Through 20 interviews, this revealed that 82% of the challenges mentioned were rooted in the Participants element. Conclusively, the need to focus on this element was confirmed.

References can be found inside the document.

Author: Daniel Buzatu

Afbeelding credits

Icon afbeelding: AMS Institute logo vierkant rood
