
Reigersbos Retrofit Living Lab - Final Report

MADE Students Project

Over a decade ago, the homeowners in Reigersbos decided that serious work needed to be done to replace the facade of their homes. The quality of the facade was low, residents suffered from leakages and ice on the walls in the winter. The owners associations (VvE's) initiated the Reigersbos facade project and involved the !WOON foundation and the Municipality of Amsterdam in the process. These groups work together in a horizontal network, which also includes the social housing association Stadgenoot. However, there are many challenges that complicate the process. It is in this context that this Living Lab takes place. Through co-creation sessions we worked on a manual to help those involved in the collaboration, both by reflecting and looking ahead in a roadmap. The co-creation sessions should lead to more mutual understanding between the stakeholders.

