
MSc Thesis - Towards circulation of bio-based resources in Amsterdam high-rises

The design of a grinder system to separate organic waste in new Amsterdam high-rise buildings with a sustainable post-life for a circular economy

Transition from a linear use of resources and waste production to circular flows with sustainable management of resources, will allow cities to increase sustainability in social, economic and ecological ways for future generations. This thesis concludes that in order to reach a circular waste management system, an instructional communication to be used within the current scope and a redesigned food waste grinder within a fully circular flat would be needed.

References can be found inside the document.

Author: Marita de Vries 

Want to know more about this topic?

If you are interested in the reuse of building products, the Circuar Urban Wood project is definitely worth reading about. This project focusses on the implementation of a circular use of wood in the city of Amsterdam. 

Visit the project here. 

Afbeelding credits

Header afbeelding: Circularity in Urban Regions

Icon afbeelding: AMS Institute logo vierkant rood

