The European Capital Innovation Awards
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Cities are faced with some of the most severe societal and sustainability challenges but do also have the means to overcome them by developing and applying effective innovative solutions. They are the playground where breakthrough innovation can flourish. With their capacity to connect people, places, public and private actors, urban areas can substantially enhance innovation in Europe, improve the quality of citizens' lives and provide ground to experiment with new technologies and products in a real environment.
The European Capital of Innovation Awards is an annual recognition prize awarded to the European cities that best promote innovation in their communities.
In particular, the seventh edition will recognise the cities’ contribution to developing local innovation ecosystems for the benefit of innovators and the wellbeing of their citizens.
The awards are aimed at rewarding the most innovative city practices in the framework of a developed, multi-faceted, well-functioning city innovation ecosystem that boosts game-changing innovation.
In 2021, the European Capital of Innovation Awards will feature two categories:
- The European Capital of Innovation category addresses cities with a population of minimum 250 000 inhabitants and rewards the winner with EUR 1 000 000 and two runners-up with EUR 100 000 each one.
- The European Rising Innovative City category targets towns and cities with a population of 50 000 and up to 249 999 inhabitants and rewards the winner with EUR 500 000 and two runners-up with EUR 50 000 each one.
Source: The European Capital of Innovation Awards - European Innovation Council