UrbanA takes up the challenge of synthesizing and brokering the knowledge and experience generated in EU-funded projects, many of which have identified interventions that address grand societal challenges, of which urban inequalities and social exclusion across different contexts. In this way, UrbanA will support city-makers – including researchers, policymakers and practitioners – in transforming European cities into inclusive and sustainable urban and peri-urban environments.
UrbanA will do so through a transdisciplinary Urban Arena for Sustainable and Equitable Solutions (established in WP2). By co-creatively mapping urban sustainability interventions (WP3), assessing their potential to improve urban social equity and inclusion (WP4) and identifying potential avenues and agents by which such interventions could be transferred to more widespread governance contexts (WP5), UrbanA will develop actionable and actor specific solutions (WP6), which will be disseminated to key local and European actors (WP7).
Source: URBANA: Urban Arena for sustainable and equitable solutions. European Commission.