IXAnext is a collaboration between HvA, UvA, VU Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam en Amsterdam UMC and the research institutes AMOLF and Nikhef. With IXAnext a strong impulse is given to entrepreneurship, innovation and valorization in the Amsterdam region. Aim of the program is to stimulate economic activity and entrepreneurship in both education and research. Various initiatives have been established, such as a Demonstrator Lab, incubator hubs Amsterdam Venture Studios and a diverse entrepeneurship education program.

Amsterdam Physics Research and Innovation Lab (APRIL)

One of the initiatives are the innovation labs at Amsterdam Science Park and VU campus. The universities provide access to the laboratories and research facilities from which companies can benefit academic supervision and the latest scientific facilities and expertise.  

Amsterdam Venture studios

Additionally, Amsterdam Venture Studios are designed at HvA Amstelcampus, VU campus, Amsterdam Science Park and AMC in which students and researchers are facilitated with work and lab spaces on campus. But also an entrepreneurship program to support and equip startup and scale-up their own business. 

Entrepreneurship education

With additional measures, such as case studies, a mentor pool and linking students to startups for student jobs, the entrepreneurship education in Amsterdam is brought to a higher level and renewed so that it better reflects the current economic conditions and needs of the market.

This program is made possible with support of the City Of Amsterdam.

Bron: www.ixa.nl

Alle rechten voorbehouden CR openresearch.amsterdam

Afbeelding credits

Icon afbeelding: Logo-IXA-Breed-RGB