Collectie (1)

Innovation Exchange Amsterdam

Innovation Exchange Amsterdam (IXA) is the expert interface between Amsterdam-based academic institutions and parties interested in their research findings and knowledge, such as companies, educational institutions, investors, health care providers, entrepreneurs, government bodies and societal organisations. Being an interface, IXA deploys its expertise in both directions: assisting researchers in generating societal and economic impact from their work and assisting external parties in navigating the academic landscape to find a solution or spot an opportunity.

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IXA is an expertise centre, helpdesk and liaison all in one.

IXA was created by the partnership of the Academic Medical Centre, University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences, VU University Amsterdam, VU University Medical Center and is supported by the City of Amsterdam and the Dutch Ministry of Economic Affairs and  is a partner of the Amsterdam Economic Board, the Amsterdam Science Park and the Amsterdam Centre for Entrepreneurship.

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Afbeelding credits

Icon afbeelding: IXA website

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