Collection (97)

Climate change in the city council

The municipality has the ambition to make Amsterdam a climate-neutral and climate-proof city. To realize this ambition, the municipality needs research on themes related to sustainability and green in the city in order to draw up visions, goals and strategies. In this collection you will find various studies and reports on climate change that have been discussed in the city council.

Interesting in this context is the ‘rainwater ordinance’ that Alderman Laurens Ivens (Public space) recently (April 1st) sent to the city council. This regulation established that in new-build homes and buildings undergoing major renovation, rainwater is collected and reused, or slowly discharged to groundwater. With the goal to prepare Amsterdam for one of the consequences of global warming; heavy downpours. The proposed ‘rainwater ordinance’ will be discussed in the council committee on April 14. The city council will make its decision on April 21/22.

Want to know more? Click on ‘more information’

More information

Want to know more about ‘rainwater ordinance’ or want to find more research on how we can make the city rainproof? Read:

Layout: In this collection, the articles are classified by year of publication and relevance. 


Image credits

Header image: Amsterdam Data Science

Icon image: Wikimedia Commons - Stopera

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