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The nature inclusive society
In this collection you will find relevant research, initiatives and collaborations regarding nature inclusivity in Amsterdam.
Man and everything else that lives are inextricably linked. People are surrounded by nature and its nature. The forest is nature, but so is the city. We share our city with countless people, animals, insects, trees, plants, fungi and microbes. In Amsterdam alone we live with trillions. But often, and especially in Western culture, humans are considered the center of everything and the only one with a voice in determining how we interact with our environment. However, last summer's many wildfires and floods, the pandemic that we are still feeling the effects of and the latest IPCC report prove that nature also has a voice and uses it to talk back. Whether nature warns us or retaliates, it is time to listen to her and give her voice a place in our society.
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AMS InstituteImage credits
Icon image: Eco Warrior Princes- grachten