How cool is it to get your thesis published? At openresearch more than 2500 civil servants, academics and designers find each other’s work. This year we will also publish all theses that are relevant for the greater Amsterdam area.

Send your thesis to

Dare to share.

Requirements for submission:

1. The thesis is

  • Relevant for Amsterdam and the Amsterdam metropolitan region*
  • AND written in Dutch or English

2. The thesis is:

  • A master's thesis from the UvA, VU, AMS Institute, Inholland, HvA, AHK
  • OR a bachelor's thesis from Inholland, HvA, AHK
  • AND/OR is written within the context of the municipality of Amsterdam, for example during an internship.

The following steps are required for publication:

  • Explain in a maximum of five sentences why the thesis is relevant for the city of Amsterdam (important!)
  • Send these sentences together with your thesis to
  • Mention as subject: Thesis
  • State your name, study programme, institution (name university) grade and contact details of the thesis supervisor, or attach the official assessment form.
  • Send your thesis as a PDF file in the attachment

By submitting your thesis, you give us permission to publish it.

Please send in your thesis before 6 September 2023.

* A thesis can be relevant for the city in many different ways. When you are in doubt, send your thesis anyway, including a couple of sentences about why you think the thesis is relevant for Amsterdam.

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Icon image: noun_thesis_1934274.png