ICAI is an open national network of academic, industrial and governmental partners that is based at Amsterdam Science Park. At present, ICAI has sixteen partners: Ahold Delhaize, Bosch, Delft Imaging Systems, Delft University of Technology, Elsevier, Inception Institute of Artificial Intelligence Ltd. (IIAI), ING, National Police, Qualcomm, Radboudumc, Radboud University, Thirona, TomTom, University of Amsterdam, Utrecht University and Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. So far eleven research labs have been founded: AI for FinTech Lab, AIM Lab, AIRLab Amsterdam, AIRLab Delft, Atlas Lab, Delta Lab, Elsevier AI Lab, Police Lab AI, QUVA Lab, Radboud AI for Health Lab and Thira Lab, with more to come.
Innovation Center for Artificial Intelligence
The Innovation Center for Artificial Intelligence (ICAI) is a national initiative focused on joint technology development between academia, industry and government in the area of artificial intelligence. The Netherlands has the talent, the world-class research and the longstanding tradition in AI education to be one of the world’s top ranked countries in terms of innovation power. ICAI brings these positive forces together in a unique national initiative.
ICAI’s innovation strategy is organized around industry labs, these are multi-year strategic collaborations with a focus on technology and talent development. ICAI will create innovative AI-applications, distribute AI-knowledge for companies and organizations in the form of technology products and tools, train corporate employees through dedicated courses, and simultaneously maintain a connection with other world-level science centers. ICAI will also facilitate commercialization by enhancing start-up and spin-outs.
Image credits
Icon image: ICAI_icon.jpg