Collectie (6)

Interdisciplinarity Beyond the Buzzword

A Guide to Academic Work Across Disciplines

By the Amsterdam Young Academy (AYA): Interdisciplinarity is easily formulated as an ambition, yet it is less easily put into practice.

Nevertheless, as a working methodology and research framework it is an amazing adventure for all those involved, as is shown in Interdisciplinarity Beyond the Buzzword: A Guide to Academic Work Across Disciplines. In this collection you will find the complete guide and some highlighted chapters. The guide was recently launched in SPUI25 using the case of Childhood Obesity Amsterdam. You can find the link to the presentation below.

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More information:

Amsterdam Young Academy (AYA) is an independent platform where talented young scientists from different disciplines meet to develop views on science, scientific policy and how to build bridges between science and society in Amsterdam. Amsterdam Young Academy is an initiative of the University of Amsterdam and the Vrije Universtiteit and was officially launched on November 6th, 2018.

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