Roadmap SURE
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The SURE Roadmap was commissioned by METREX, the Network of Metropolitan Regions and Areas, with the support of the City of The Hague, the City of Amsterdam, the Province of South Holland. Semi-structured interviews with all partners of the SURE Network and stakeholders in and outside the Eurodelta were conducted during the summer (July- September 2020). The outcomes were translated into recommendations (actions and strategies) for the SURE Network, accompanied by illustrations for the development of the Roadmap. The guiding research questions were: What are the driving goals and underlying values of the alliance and why? Which actions and strategies can the network resolve in the future and how (organizational form)? The Roadmap can be regarded as work-inprogress and thus, addresses flexibility and adaptability in the upcoming years. It shall be revised and updated by its partners and external stakeholders in frequent intervals.