
Willie van den Broek

AMS Institute

Willie’s role is to explore typical metropolitan agrifood related challenges, prioritized by the city of Amsterdam, to create partnerships to initiate long-term solutions for all citizens. The city advocates excellent, but pragmatic, technological solutions where stakeholders co-create in experimental settings and exploit the dynamics and creativity of the city. Willie will coordinate all required activities and align them with the AMS stakeholders.

Next to his work at AMS Institute, Willie is a Strategic Program Manager at Wageningen University & Research. His role is to initiate innovation, build consortia, prepare project plans and deliver predefined results for knowledge and innovation projects in the food and biobased sector. His latest role was Innovation Manager Resource Use Efficiency: how to make sustainable food, feed and materials from our natural, fossil free resources? Before that, he was the Wageningen representative at Topsector Agrifood International.

Previous work activities allowed Willie to experience intercultural cooperation in multi-disciplinary research fields to improve agrifood supply chains in China, South Africa, Egypt and Mexico in cooperation with Dutch local diplomats.

Innovation is an uncertain process to guide, but very inspiring to experience. My pleasure in work is the expected impact of the new knowledge in society. Amsterdam is a very inspiring and innovative society.

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  • Collectie (17)

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  • Openbaar

    Feeding the City (AMS Institute)

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