Keynote: "Accelerating" urban innovation
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How to innovate, share discoveries, and solve the problems of our times?
The main question of Stolp’s keynote was: "How to innovate, share discoveries, and solve the problems of our times?" She emphasized the urgent need for rapid innovation to combat climate change and its severe humanitarian and biodiversity impacts.
‘‘The processes we have created are not enough to get to the results that we want and need to adapt.’’
She highlighted that cities cannot afford to be slow in adapting and must become dynamic playgrounds for innovation. Stolp proposed using "living experiments" in urban environments to act as accelerators for urban transition. These experiments allow for real-world testing and rapid iteration of innovative solutions. By viewing messy urban landscapes as hopeful spaces for pioneering change, cities can enhance their resilience and sustainability. Stolp concluded that embracing this approach will help cities adapt swiftly to climate change, fostering a more sustainable and resilient urban future.
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