
Achieving Carbon Budget Compliance in the Dutch Housing Development Sector

MADE Student Project

The Dutch housing development sector faces challenges of dealing with a housing shortage whilst having to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. The challenge is urgent, the carbon budget for the Dutch housing development sector for staying within 1.5 degrees Celsius is running out rapidly and expected to run out as early as 2027. Hence, there is urgent need to decarbonize the sector. Barriers and opportunities for carbon budget compliance for Dutch developers are explored in this research utilizing an embedded case study research design. Where first a CO2 analysis is performed for twelve representative case study buildings, considering both upfront embodied carbon emissions and operational carbon emissions between 2023 and 2050. The findings indicate that the majority of these cases are currently non-compliant with the carbon budget threshold levels, highlighting the urgency for a necessary fundamential transformation of the sector.

Author: Evelien Dekker 

Afbeelding credits

Icon afbeelding: Amsterdam city scape view by RossHelen.png

