Vergelijkbare initiatieven
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Bekijk wat er (naast openresearch) nog meer gebeurt op het gebied van de ontwikkeling van digitale platforms voor onderzoek en kennisdeling. Hieronder verzamelt de openresearch redactie een lijst met vergelijkbare initiatieven.
De EU opslagplaats voor 'Nature-Based' oplossingen; Oppla
Oppla provides a knowledge marketplace, where the latest thinking on natural capital, ecosystem services and nature-based solutions is brought together.
Its purpose is to simplify how we share, obtain and create knowledge to better manage our environment.
Oppla is an open platform that is designed for people with diverse needs and interests - from science, policy and practice; public, private and voluntary sectors; organisations large and small, as well as individuals. All are welcome and have a part to play in our community.
Platform ter verduurzaming van het mobiliteitslandschap van steden; UEMI:
The Urban Electric Mobility Initiative (UEMI) aims to help phase out conventionally fuelled vehicles and increase the share of electric vehicles (2-,3- and 4-wheelers) in the total volume of individual motorized transport in cities to at least 30% by 2030. The UEMI is an active partnership that aims to track international action in the area of electric mobility and aims to initiate local action. The UEMI delivers tools and guidelines, generates synergies between e-mobility programmes and supports local implementation action.
Informatie over Europees Onderzoek op het S3 Platform:
The S3 Platform provides advice to EU countries and regions for the design and implementation of their Smart Specialisation Strategy (S3):
- Provide guidance material and good practice examples
- Inform strategy formation and policy-making
- Facilitate peer-reviews and mutual learning
- Support access to relevant data
- Train policy-makers
Website Oppla
Website UEMI
City Science for Urban Challenges
Image credits
Icon image: noun_Website System_1771190.png