Authors: Dr. Ciska Ulug (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam), Ying-Tzu Lin (Universiteit van Asmterdam) & Dr. Jannes Willems (Universiteit van Amsterdam)
Urban Food Commoning: Implications and Opportunities for Amsterdam
Our current global and industrial food system is failing to address challenges such as healthy food access, sustainability transitions, and opportunities for participation. The food commons has been celebrated as a means towards a food system that embeds sustainability, justice, and care. Cities are considered important places to establish food commoning practices, as they drive food consumption, distribution and production. As such, if we want to transform the food system, we need to adapt new food practices in cities
If we adopt an urban food commons lens, what are the implications for the City of Amsterdam? And what could urban food commons offer for the city? The report consists of three parts. First, we will give a brief introduction to the urban food commons. Second, we present six main insights from the seminar series. These insights give an overview of current food commoning practices in Amsterdam. Third and final, we provide a list of recommendations for researchers, professionals and communities, specifically for those working and living in Amsterdam.