Part of
The Citizen Voices for Digital Rights programme (from now onwards also CVDR)
was funded by the City Coalition for Digital Rights and engaged the cities of
Amsterdam, Bordeaux, Milan and Tirana. It sought to address the role of digital
technologies and develop a practical approach to improve the active participation
of citizens in data collection, data governance and knowledge creation. It also
sought to co-design pathways for citizens to advocate for their own, and their
communities', digital rights.
All findings shared in this report draw on data analysis from the main workshops
and experts’ events. Discussion from each workshop were transcribed in the
local language and later translated in English. The team at Democratic Society
used these data and facilitators notes (where available) to produce an analysis
and synthesis of the topics discussed. Through qualitative analysis of the text
main themes emerged that are presented in this report. We hope these findings
can help those municipalities that intend to approach their digital strategy in a
participatory manner.
The programme aimed to engage, equip, and ultimately empower citizens with
the skills, knowledge, and tools to self-advocate for their digital rights. It
played a facilitatory role in bringing citizens together around the issue of digital
rights and was, to a large extent, shaped by citizens and local digital
rights activists themselves.
The findings can be read in the report attached
Wiltshire, Elizabeth and Pierri, Paola (2021), Citizens Voices for Digital
Rights. Final Report, Democratic Society
Image credits
Icon image: crowd