Collection (7)

Visit DG ENVI - Session 2 - How to make a neighborhood climate neutral

On the 8th and 9th of June the Deputy Director General Environment Patrick Child from the European Commision visited Amsterdam. The visit was sorted in three session, each with a different host and theme.

In this collection you will find the presentations on how to make a neighborhood climate neutral and the challenges that arise. This part of the visit was hosted by the Green Hub (Groene Hub) - a doing and learning community for social and sustainable initiatives.

More information

In this collection you will find:

- Short tour at Green Hub and Donut deals, by Martin Jas-Mogling 
- A presentation on the complexitu at neighbourhood level, by Annoesjka Nienhuis
- A presentation on Integrality/BiodiverCITY_a matter of vital soil!, by Joyce van de Berg
- A presentation on Coöperation Zoë, By Klaas  Kuijtenbrouwer |
- A presentation on Energy transition, by Richard Ruijtenbeek
- A discussion emerged from the presentations. 

Image credits

Header image: Visit DG Environment Patrick Child to Amsterdam 2 - Fotograaf: Eva Baaren

Icon image: IMG_0070.jpeg

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