The Executive Agency for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (EASME) has been set-up by the European Commission to manage on its behalf several EU programmes in the fields of SME support & innovation, environment, climate action, energy and maritime affairs.

The Executive Agency for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (EASME) has been set-up by the European Commission to manage on its behalf several EU programmes.

Vision, mission, values

Our vision

'We aim to help create a more competitive and resource-efficient European economy based on knowledge and innovation'

Our mission

'We provide high quality support to our beneficiaries, turning EU policy into action. As an executive agency of the European Commission, we manage significant parts of COSME, LIFE, Horizon 2020 and EMFF. We ensure that actions funded by these programmes deliver results and provide the Commission with valuable input for its policy tasks'.

Our values

The EASME is committed to the public service principles for EU civil servants. These are:

  • commitment to the European Union and its citizens;
  • integrity;
  • objectivity;
  • respect for others;
  • transparency.


Source: EASME

Image credits

Icon image: EASME