Collection (8)

EU Research & Innovation for and with cities

The report 'EU Research & Innovation for and with Cities' provides an overview of the main EU Research and Innovation (R&I) actions for and with cities to help them accelerate their transition towards sustainability and climate neutrality. These actions, together with urban related policies across the European Commission Services, contribute to the implementation of targets of international frameworks (such as the COP21 Paris Agreement, the Sustainable Development Goals 2030 (SDGs), the UN Habitat III new Urban Agenda) to which cities, have committed and which will help deliver on the European Green Deal objectives.

In this collection you will find an overview of all chapters. To make the report more accessible, you will also find articles from all the projects, programs, organizations, etc. mentioned in each chapter. These articles are also organized by theme.

With special thanks to Marie Yeroyanni, DG research and Innovation

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Header image: Wikimedia Commons - EU

Icon image: Wikimedia Commons - EU

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