Collection (14)


How has the housing market developed in the past two years and how satisfied are Amsterdammers with their living environment?

The increasing attractiveness of Amsterdam and, in particular, the improving economy have major effects on the city. Three years ago, for example, there was a financial crisis that led to a crisis in the construction industry. There was hardly any construction or transformation. However, for a few years now, investors have been queuing up to start building again. More houses have been built in the last two years than in the previous four years combined. More supply helps to meet demand. Despite the major sprint in new construction, house prices in the owner-occupied sector have risen explosively. The average WOZ value in Amsterdam has increased by more than 27% in the last two years alone. For many people, buying a house is no longer an option, despite the historically low interest rates.

Not only in Amsterdam, but throughout the Netherlands, we face major challenges to provide everyone with a sustainable and affordable home. In this collection you will find studies by the city council, Amsterdam knowledge institutes and national organizations about housing. You will also find articles on various themes related to housing such as the housing crisis, equal opportunities, sustainability, office spaces and housing for students, the elderly and the homeless in Amsterdam.

More information

Source: Woonagenda 2025, 2017. Gemeente Amsterdam.

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Image credits

Header image: grachtengordel luchtfoto van gemeentelijk website Grachtengordel Amsterdam Werelderfgoed

Icon image: De Gelderlander - woning

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