A master course policy report with recommendations for the development of a serious game.

In this project, the awareness and inclusivity of mentally and/or physically diverse individuals in Amsterdam is studied, with the aim to provide recommendations for the development of a serious game based on awareness and inclusivity of mentally and/or physically diverse individuals in Amsterdam. The research question is: “What are the views on awareness and inclusivity of mentally and/or physically diverse individuals in Amsterdam held by different stakeholders?”.

Four key findings emerged. Firstly, public transport and public places were perceived as inaccessible. Secondly, awareness of mentally and/or physically diverse individuals depends on the contact with them. Thirdly, awareness is more present when a person is affected by a mentally and/or physically diverse individual who experiences day to day challenges. Lastly, there is still a lack of cooperation between different interest groups who are involved in policy making.

Image credits

Icon image: Pixabay - Diversity
