Collection (26)

The energy transition

By 2050, the municipality of Amsterdam wants to reduce its CO2 emissions by 95%, with the aim to not exceed the natural limits of the earth any further. To achieve this goal, Amsterdam is working on a gas-free, emission-free and energy-neutral city. Sustainable heat sources, alternative fuels and the sustainable generation of electricity from solar and wind energy are of great importance. In this collection you will find articles related to the energy transition in Amsterdam.

More information

Source:Gemeente Amsterdam - Routekaart Amsterdam Klimaatneutraal 2050

Layout: First, the projects ‘Energy Lab Zuidoost’ and 'Team Amsterdam Climate Neutral' can be found in this collection. Then the collection ‘Urban Energy’ from AMS. This is followed by scientific articles, articles from the municipality of Amsterdam and articles from the Province of Noord-Holland.

Image credits

Header image: 37267-zonnepanelen-01_3mei2018_E_v_Eis.jpg

Icon image: Pixabay - Windmolens

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