
Paul Voskuilen


Program developer Urban Energy

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    Making energy use in homes more sustainable and ending the dependence on…

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    Simply Positive

    Improving energy conservation, using energy more efficiently and using…

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    Simulating households' energy transition in Amsterdam: An agent-based modeling approach

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  • Collection (3)

    High-hanging fruit research programme

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    Towards a future without natural gas for monumental buildings

    Strategies for energy retrofitting of De Drie Maagden

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    'ALIGN4energy' starting to support decision making for sustainable heating systems

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    Nederlandse smart city strategie

    The future of living

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    Oplossingsrichtingen voor congestie in middenspanningsnetten

    De casus Buiksloterham-Zuid/Overhoeks Amsterdam

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    PV Advent Calendar

    Presentation and project description

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  • Collection (16)

    Urban Energy (AMS Institute)

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