• Collection 5

    21 november 2024: netwerkbijeenkomst Positief Energie District

  • Scientific Article: State of the Art on Sustainability Assessment of Positive Energy Districts: Methodologies, Indicators and Future…

  • Scientific Article: The Impact of e-Mobility in Positive Energy Districts

  • Scientific Article: Energy Citizenship in New Energy Concepts

  • Scientific Article: Energy Citizenship in Positive Energy Districts

  • Scientific article: Ten questions concerning prospective LCA for decision support for the built environment

  • 1st Scientific Article published: Towards Energy Citizenship for a Just and Inclusive Transition

  • ATELIER project deliverables

  • Citizen-Driven Positive Energy Districts in Amsterdam, Bilbao and beyond: ATELIER

Image credits

Icon image: ATELIER EU - Poppies, Buiksloterham (MaMa Pioneers)