AmsTErdam BiLbao cItizen drivEn smaRt cities
ATELIER is the smart city project of 8 European cities that are committed to implement positive energy districts in their cities and that want to disseminate the lessons learned to other European cities. Amsterdam and Bilbao are the Lighthouse cities that will showcase urban solutions related to smart heating, cooling, electricity and electro mobility as to reach positive energy districts, while the cities of Bratislava, Budapest, Copenhagen, Krakow, Matosinhos, and Riga are Fellow cities that will replicate and adapt successful smart urban solutions in their cities.
See project membersMore information
Collection 5
21 november 2024: netwerkbijeenkomst Positief Energie District
Scientific Article: The Impact of e-Mobility in Positive Energy Districts
Scientific Article: Energy Citizenship in New Energy Concepts
Scientific Article: Energy Citizenship in Positive Energy Districts
Scientific article: Ten questions concerning prospective LCA for decision support for the built environment
1st Scientific Article published: Towards Energy Citizenship for a Just and Inclusive Transition
ATELIER project deliverables
Citizen-Driven Positive Energy Districts in Amsterdam, Bilbao and beyond: ATELIER
Image credits
Icon image: ATELIER EU - Poppies, Buiksloterham (MaMa Pioneers)