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City Deal Kennis Maken

The aim of the City Deal Kennis Maken is to accelerate the process of solving the social challenges of cities by involving researchers, lecturers and students on a large scale. The cities, knowledge institutions and other partners consider this on the one hand as a form of knowledge utilization and on the other hand as offering the city as a learning environment for students. Central to the City Deal are talent development, entrepreneurship and the stimulation of social involvement. Amsterdam is participating in this City Deal, as are Nijmegen, Delft, Enschede, Groningen, Leiden, Maastricht, Rotterdam, Tilburg, Utrecht and Wageningen.

Below you will find the projects in which Amsterdam is or has been involved.

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Header image: Smart City - Digital city

Icon image: 38736-180726-amsterdam-varia_AN-02354.jpg

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