2023-2026 This project focuses on harnessing the potential of energy communities where energy is produced, managed, and consumed collectively.

RESCHOOL aims to enhance the functioning of energy communities by improving the technologies they use, such as solar panels and batteries for local energy storage, and by influencing end-user behavior. This initiative will help make these communities more efficient and effective in their energy usage.

  • [WHO:] Bamboo Energy Platform SL (Spain), Diputacion de Gerona (Spain), Electricity Innovation Ekonomisk Forening (Sweden), Energeiaki Koinotita Periorismenis Evthinis (Greece), Ethniko Kentro Ereynas Kai Technologikis Anaptyxis (Greece), European Renewable Energies Federation-Federation Europeenne des Energies Renouvelables (Belgium), European Science Communication Institute (ESCI) gGmbH (Germany), Gemeente Amsterdam (Netherlands), Innohub BV (Netherlands), KM0 Energy SL (Spain), Locallife Sweden AB (Sweden), Niesing Hugo (Netherlands), RISE Research Institutes of Sweden AB (Sweden), Universiteit Utrecht (Netherlands), Universitetet i Stavanger (Norway)
  • [WHERE:] Amsterdam, Stockholm, Athens, and Girona
  • [DURATION:] 3.5 years, start date 1-1-2023
  • [ROLE OF AMSTERDAM:] Amsterdam is the lead/partner/follower in this project
  • [TOTAL BUDGET:] 6,118,596 euros
  • [HOW MUCH FOR AMSTERDAM:] 213,750 euros
  • [SUBSIDY PROGRAM:] Horizon Europe
  • [CONTACT PERSON:] Mimi Slauerhoff, m.slauerhoff@amsterdam.nl

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Icon image: reschoolLogo-300x177.png