
Staying in the city or moving to the suburbs?

Changes and variations in residential mobility and impacts on metropolitan areas

Cities serve as magnets for young individuals pursuing education and employment opportunities. As these young urbanites reach the age of family formation, many must decide whether to stay in the city or move to the suburbs.

This thesis dives into the dynamics of residential preferences and moving behaviour among urban households during the first two decades of the 21st century, with Amsterdam as the main case study. What are the preferences of these households? How do young families behave in Dutch metropolitan areas? How do households balance the size of the dwelling with the urbanity of the neighbourhood when moving? Where do they ultimately settle, and what impact does this have on metropolitan regions?

Source: Booi, H. (2024).  Staying in the city or moving to the suburbs: changes and variations in residential mobility and impacts on metropolitan areas. Dissertation. University of Amsterdam. 

Cover design: Daan Dirk de Jonge
Printed by: Ipskamp Printing
ISBN: 978-94-6473-461-4

