2017 - 2018 The Engaging Youth Through Sports Programme & Empowering Refugees by Sport

These two projects are part of a Pilot and Preparatory Program of the Directorate-General for Education, Youth, Sports and Culture. The aim of this program is to prepare future activities related to sports in the EU by establishing networks and developing best practices in various European contexts.

Empowering Refugees Through Sport 2017 - 2018:
Duration: 1 year
Total Budget: 213,893 euros
Subsidy for Amsterdam: 60,000 euros

Key Project Goals:

  • Stimulate the participation of at least 20% of officially registered refugees living in Amsterdam in sports activities during 2017.
  • Create a social network for each involved refugee.
  • Develop a general methodology, including lessons learned from this project, ready for implementation in other EU cities.

Key Project Results:

  • Improved direct contacts of refugees with citizens in Amsterdam through an increase in participation in sports events and other training/coaching/information/evaluation events.
  • Enhanced methodology, including future perspectives on integration, with a particular focus on two specific groups: women/girls and Eritrean refugees.


The Engaging Youth Through Sports Programme 2017 - 2018:
Duration: 1 year
Total Budget: 99,457 euros
Subsidy for Amsterdam: 60,000 euros

Key Project Goals:

  • Gain insight into factors contributing to vulnerability to radicalization and violent extremism by monitoring characteristics such as struggles with religious identity, adverse social conditions, erratic and problematic behavior, low emotional resilience, etc.
  • Improve discipline and structure, address social isolation, increase the sense of belonging in Amsterdam, and promote the self-reliance of 15 vulnerable youth per district (in 4 districts) through weekly indoor football training and group and individual coaching.
  • Document the relationship between sport and the prevention of radicalization, provide deeper insights, and share these insights with experts from other Dutch and EU cities.

Key Project Results:

  • Deeper understanding acquired of the benefits of sport as a tool for anti-radicalization programs and improved accessibility and awareness among youth at risk.
  • Policy recommendations shared for follow-up projects and scaling to other Dutch or European cities for anti-radicalization policies.

In the document below, you will find a summary of all projects in the EU that took place within this program.
Source: Pilot Projects and Preparatory Actions in the Field of Sports 2016 – 2019. ISBN 978-92-76-17175-1"
