“This is Distributed Design” is the fourth of a series of yearly publications developed within the Distributed Design Platform.

In the format of a book and a documentary “This is Distributed Design” presents the state-of-the-art in the field, discusses future directions and lays a foundation for the advancement of digital design and fabrication.

Established in 2017 and co-funded by the Creative Europe program of the European Union, the Platform brings together a diverse member-base from cultural and creative institutions including Fab Labs, cultural organisations, universities and makerspaces. It aims to support and connect creatives, designers, makers, and innovators to participate in the creation of a new model of production and consumption – envisioning a world in which “bits travel globally, while atoms stay local.” Over the past four years, the Platform has provided Europe-wide programming and opportunities to support emerging creatives working in the emerging field of Distributed Design.

Watch this video externally on: YouTube

Source: Distributed Design
