DRSR 2020 - 2024 Data
The framework of the Designing Rhythms for Social Resilience research enables international collaborations in the data domain. Thanks to these collaborations best practices can be shared in urban analytics and new comparative studies can be orchestrated between different cities worldwide. In these explorations the research group aims to work with several data sources and analytical methods, and to make bridges with ethnographic research techniques, in order to better recognise, represent and approach the multiple layered experiences in cities. The current international data partner is Habidatum, an international practice based in New York, Tartu, and Amsterdam. In this project space, the international collaborators and the core DRSR core research team share their progress documents and (in-between) findings.
See project membersMeer informatie
Collectie 8
Final presentations DRSR
Collectie 19
DRSR Research Meetings
Foam-index films
Community Rhythms
Social Distancing Dashboard | Introduction Video
Regionalization of Social Interactions and Points-of-Interest Location Prediction With Geosocial Data
Cities and infectious diseases: Assessing the exposure of pedestrians to virus transmission along city streets
City Rhythm Data Model Review
Presentation at NTTS Conference 2019, 11-15 March 2019, Brussels
Social Glass: A Platform for Urban Analytics and Decision-making Through Heterogeneous Social Data (2018)
Afbeelding credits
Icon afbeelding: Evening and Night Time Economy – Fort Lauderdale – image by Habidatum (habidatum.com)