SAMPLING: Exploring the role of SewAge Monitoring as a tool for infectious disease surveillance and response in Public heaLth settINGs
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Onderzoek naar de haalbaarheid, bruikbaarheid en toepasbaarheid van rioolwatermonitoring om surveillance en respons van infectieziekten voor regionale gezondheidsdiensten in high- en low-resource settings te verbeteren
To investigate the feasibility, usability, and applicability of sewage monitoring to improve infectious disease surveillance and response for regional public health services in high- and low-resource settings
This project aims to assess the feasibility, usability, and applicability of different monitoring techniques, including passive samplers and Nanopore minION technology, and to investigate the added value of integrating sewage data with routine surveillance data.
Looptijd: 6-1-2023 tot 6-1-2027