The role of landscape solutions in mitigating water resources stress
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The session focusses on increasing global pressure on urban water resources exacerbated by climate change and rapid urbanisation. The session will present three case studies at different levels of implementation and scaling on the role of landscape solutions in mitigating water stress. One of the cases is from Vitenam where the mekong delta , a transboundary resource, is facing fresh water challenges due to land subsidence and sea level rise. Second case is from Kenya where water resources challenges coincide with urbanisation, economic development and changing rain patterns. The third case is from Ethiopia where institutional complexities, urbanisation, deforestation and erosion make the communication and decision-making on water resources a challenge.
These cases will be followed by a discussion and participant interaction through questions and answers.
Source: YouTube - The role of Landscape solutions
Source: AIWW 2021 - The role of landscape solutions in mitigating water resources stress
Afbeelding credits
Icon afbeelding: PxHere - landscape