The maintenance of cities' common pool resources is necessary to address the socioecological challenges of our times. Land, culture, information, food, green areas, water are examples of necessary resources for urban living. The long-term quality of these resources requires resilient institutions able to prevent future economic shocks and capable of enabling an inclusive form of self-organization by urban communities. In cities throughout the world commoning is becoming a diffuse experimental practice, with prime examples in the provision of decentered renewable energy, affordable housing and regional food networks. These practices produce radically new patterns of urban development. Their reshape inclusive forms of self-organized living and reorganize the existent infrastructures of mobility, energy and information.
How can planning promote and regulate these urban commons? What are the new frontiers of the urban commons? What infrastructures and architectural forms do the commons require and produce? How will urban governance adapt to the challenges of commoning? The 2020 studio will address these questions in order to rethink planning processes towards principles of commoning.
For full program and registration, see website UvA