
Mendel Giezen

Sustainable Urban Development and Infrastructure

Mendel Giezen works on the intersection between infrastructure and sustainable urban development within the field of Urban Planning. In particular he works on: the upscaling of low carbon urban initiatives; the impact of decentralised infrastructures on sustainable urban planning; and shifting governance patterns in circular urban systems. He has more than a decade of experience in course development, coordination and lecturing, and is the academic director of the Summer School "Planning the Circular City" and the coordinator of the courses "Climate Proof Cities" and "Spatial Implications of Environmental Change". He has published in a wide range of international peer reviewed ISI-ranked journals both collaboratively and as a single author.

  • Openbaar

    Hoe groen zijn onze steden? | Dr. Mendel Giezen

    Hoe staat het ervoor met de groenvoorzieningen in de steden? Wat kan een…

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    Groene Schoolpleinen

    Het vergroenen van schoolpleinen kan bijdragen aan klimaatbestendigheid

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    Understanding the institutional work of boundary objects in climate-proofing cities: The case of Amsterdam Rainproof

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    Stedelijke verdichting zet stedelijk groen steeds meer onder druk

    Door analyse van satellietbeelden ontdekten onderzoekers van de…

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    Learning within local government to promote the scaling-up of low-carbon initiatives: A case study in the City of Copenhagen

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    Metabolic Cities

    CUS - UvA

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    Urban Circularity and Metabolism

    CUS - UvA

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    Shifting Infrastructure Landscapes in a Circular Economy:

    An Institutional Work Analysis of the Water and Energy Sector

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    Scaling-up energy conservation initiatives: Barriers and local strategies

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    Adapting to new realities: an analysis of institutional work in three cases of Dutch infrastructure planning

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    Adaptive and Strategic Capacity: Navigating Megaprojects through Uncertainty and Complexity

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  • Collectie (52)

    Urban Planning (UvA)

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