SwS Festival 2024: VU Students Community Garden
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Here you can find the report of the VU students focusing on the theme community garden, as discussed at the Science with Society Festival 2024. In collaboration with Street Art Museum (SAMA)
The aim of this project was to contribute to a real world initiative where Street Art Museum Amsterdam is developing their new studio area with an edible community organised garden. For this to happen, a plan to be made with a follow up hands-on activity e.g. planting, harvest, culinary workshop. The students will have the opportunity to discuss with Anna Stolyarova their vision, needs and barriers and approach the listed points through their disciplinary background(-s). As a final event, the students are welcome to explore the opportunities to bring the plan into an action e.g. involving neighbourhood members in planting and/or do an art based culinary workshop etc. SAMA also holds experience in organising community culinary events, e.g., harvest carrots and make carrot cakes with the kids.
Afbeelding credits
Icon afbeelding: WmdW festival VU foto