Collection (10)

Yellow Pages: Cities describing their City Science Developments

Urban Regional Research Ecology

On the yellow pages of the English version of this publication, different cities describe their city science developments. Authors from the cities are mentioned on those pages. Please find the Yellow pages of the following cities below: Reggio Emilia, Marseille, Amsterdam, Barcelona, Paris, Espoo, Milan, Thessaloniki and Hamburg.

More information

Amsterdam, May 2022
Editing & Translation: Paul Evans
Editorial: Ida de Freitas, Thijs van Schijndel, Zahraa Attar, Eva Baaren
Design: Artgrafica, Office CC
Creative Commons: Non-commercial, Attribution, Share-alike
ISBN/EAN: 978-90-819839-9-0
Citation: Nevejan C., Iaione C.F., Bamidis P., Jacob T., Hollstein A., Lardic J., 2022.
Urban Regional Research Ecology: on the local interaction between science and government, research and execution, theory and practice in times of accelerating and accumulating global crises. Report by the City Science Initiative, City of Amsterdam


Image credits

Header image: Flag of Europe.png

Icon image: page2 URRE.pdf

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