Revised multi-year plan
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City Council 10 March 2021
In 2017, the municipality of Amsterdam drew up the Multi-Year Bicycle Plan (MJPF) 2017-2022. The Bicycle program is responsible for implementing the 54 measures in the plan. Within the Bicycle programme, three distinct pillars are responsible for one of the three main objectives of the MJPF: Comfortable cycling, Easy bicycle parking and The new cycling.
Successful measures from the previous MJPF (2012-2016) have been continued in the current MJPF and new promising measures have been added. Experiments and pilots with new technologies also have a more prominent place in the plan. In addition to bicycle parking, the current MJPF focuses more on improving and constructing new infrastructure. The theme of behavior has also been added as a new spearhead. Now that the MJPF bicycle has been underway for three years, the municipality wants to assess to what extent the activities from the plan are on track in terms of the ambitions.
On the basis of this evaluation, the municipality also wants to tighten up the MJPF if this is desirable. Goudappel Coffeng carried out this research for the municipality.
Behandeld in Gemeenteraad 10 maart 2021 en Commissie Mobiliteit, Luchtkwaliteit en Duurzaamheid - 4 maart 2021 en 4 februari 2021
Behandelend ambtenaar: R. Lindeman,
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Bron: Buro Goudappel/Coffeng
Projectteam opdrachtgever(s) Wouter Haver, Roosmarijn Lindemann, Corinne Kooij
Projectteam Goudappel Coffeng Nico Dogterom, Aart de Koning, Stijn van der Slot, Leonie