The Heat Program of the City of Amsterdam
In 2020, Amsterdam adopted the Transition Vision on Heat. This provided an initial direction for making existing buildings in Amsterdam natural gas-free. Since then, the municipality has started the conversation with residents and other stakeholders in several neighborhoods about the transition to a natural gas-free neighborhood. We are now a few years on and much has changed. That is why the Transition Vision for Heat is updated every 5 years. That way we can incorporate new insights and adjust the direction where necessary. This update is called the Heat Program. The Heat Program specifies in which neighborhoods and when we plan to start working, how we organize it together with residents and other stakeholders and which logical sustainable alternatives to natural gas would fit well in which neighborhoods/homes. In some neighborhoods a collective solution fits well, in other neighborhoods the homes are more suitable for an all-electric solution. There are also neighborhoods where residents have united to find a solution together. For all neighborhoods and buildings, we must reduce the demand for heat by insulating.