Collection (3)

Use cases of citizen participation on AI in Amsterdam

In this collection you will find examples of how civil servants within the municipality of Amsterdam have involved citizens in their AI projects.

Accessible Route Planner:

The Municipality of Amsterdam is developing a prototype accessible route planner which adapts to the accessibility needs of each user. The project aims to put citizens at the center of every step of the AI lifecycle, starting from design and development, all the way through evaluation. With the help of Clientbelang, an interest group representing people with disabilities, the concept team has worked together with citizens with mobility impairments through user experience research and co-design.

Vision on AI:

In order to work towards a more human-centered future for AI in Amsterdan, the municipality collaborated with experts and citizens to create a city-wide Vision on AI. The Urban AI working group held 10 socratic design dialogues with citizens and other stakeholders to generate wisdom about the use of AI in the city, and identify key values to incorporate into the Vision.

Slimme Check (smart livelihood check):

The Slimme Check (smart livelihood check) project developed and piloted the use of an algorithm to help determine which social assistance applications require further investigation. The Participatieraad, a citizen council focused on Work, Participation, and Income, provided valuable input on the design and use of this algorithm.

More information

Do you have an example of citizen participation in the design, adoption, or implementation of AI in Amsterdam or beyond?  Reach out to

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