Collection (5)

Trust Research

By Prof. dr. Caroline Nevejan

In 2007, Nevejan obtained his PhD with the thesis Presence and the Design of Trust at the University of Amsterdam. Since then, this research has continued at Delft University of Technology and in recent years in the municipality of Amsterdam.

In this collection you will find the complete dissertation 'Presence and the Design of Trust, in which Nevejan introduces the YUPTA framework. This framework helps to better understand how we make choices in situations where it is unclear whether or not we can trust them. This framework is further explained and made manageable in the essay 'Shaping Trust'. This framework is currently used by the municipality of Amsterdam to design trust in the city. To learn more about the latter you can view the collection 'Designing Trust'.

*Acronym for Being with You in Time, Place and Action.

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Icon image: Cover Vormgen van Vertrouwen | Photo: Kachchh, Gujarat, India

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