
Amstelland Collective Landscape

This research project is about the economic position of the area of Amstelland. The Foundation Beschermers van Amstelland asked Wageningen University and Research to research this. This research was done in collaboration with AMS Institute.

The research focussed on parties that cultivate the land (farmers), parties that are indirectly economically dependent on the landscape (recreational businesses and restaurants) and parties that sue the land (civilians and recreants). The researchers made use of existing literature and data and collaborated with stakeholders to think about possible development of the landscape. It was concluded that the competitive position of agricultural enterprises of the Amstelland is insufficient.


Causes for this are the proximity of the city, which gives the farmers little options when it comes to ground and the relatively expensive price of the ground. Because the ground they work on is very moist, the agricultural enterprises are not very productive.

Find the results of the project in the depot of Wageningen University and Research.

Afbeelding credits

Header afbeelding: Agriculture_canva.png